Books & Journal article

Vera Bernard-Opitz
Cartoons for Social and Communicative Behavior
Erscheinungsdatum 04.05.2021
ISBN: 978-1-949177-67-1
Verlag: Future Horizons Inc

Cartoons for Social and Communicative Behavior

Vera Bernard-Opitz
The Cartoon and Script Curriculum for Teaching Social Behavior and Communication: Using Visual Strategies to Support Behavioral Programming for Individuals with ASD
Sie können das Buch bei Amazon bestellen.

The Cartoon and Script Curriculum for Teaching Social Behavior and Communication

Vera Bernard-Opitz
Visual Support in Autism-specific Behavior Therapy
The "Cartoon and Script Curriculum" for Social Skills and Communication
Translation will be available at Autism Asperger Publishing - AAPC
Vera Bernard-Opitz/Anne Häußler
Visual Support for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Teaching material for visual learners, AAPC

For more information and ordering please click here PDF (638 KB).
Vera Bernard-Opitz
Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
A Structured Teaching and Experience-Based Program for Therapists, Teachers and Parents

For ordering please click here:
For more information click here: PDF (677 KB).
Vera Bernard-Opitz/Anne Häußler
Praktische Hilfen für Kinder mit Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen (ASS)
Fördermaterialien für visuell Lernende, Kohlhammer Verlag
(English see above: Visual Support for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders)

For more information and ordering please click here PDF (509 KB).
Vera Bernard-Opitz
Kinder mit Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen (ASS)
Ein Praxishandbuch für Therapeuten, Eltern und Lehrer
(English, see above: Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
A Structured Teaching and Experience-Based Program for Therapists, Teachers and Parent

For more information and ordering please click here PDF (415 KB).

  • Fashion Diagnosis Autism: Leaving individuals with
    severe Autism behind

  • Fact or Fiction: ABA/ABT

  • Can schools handle the Covid 19 crisis better?

  • Learning Objective: Understanding the corona crisis

  • Digital learning for children with and without Autism

Books and book chapters on Autism Spectrum Disorders, evidence-based intervention methods, such as the STeP Program and visual support are available in German and English. Some can be downloaded for free.

Book chapters

  • Bernard-Opitz, V. Teleconsultation to develop skills and behaviors in Autism Spectrum Disorders.
    In: Wilken, U. & Jeltsch-Schudle (Eds) Parent-training and Disability: Empowerment - Inclusion - Wellbeing,

  • Bernard-Opitz, V. How can one manage the behavior challenges of people with ASC in everyday life? In: Bölte, S. & Hallmeyer, J. (Ed.s), 2010, Autism Spectrum Conditions: International Experts answer your Questions on Autism, Asperger Syndrome and PDD-NOS, Hogrefe Publishing, 173-176

  • Bernard-Opitz, V. (2009) Applied Behavior Analysis and Autism-specific Behavior Therapy, In: Bölte, S., (Ed.) Handbuch Autismus, Huber-Publishing, 242-259

  • Bernard-Opitz, V. (2009) Videomodelling, In: Bölte, S., (Ed.) Handbuch Autismus, Huber-Publishing, 316-320

  • Bernard-Opitz, V. (2008) Teaching self help skills and independence, In: Arnold, K.-H., Graumann, O., Rakhkochkine, A., (Eds) Handbuch Förderung, Beltz Verlag, Weinheim, 303-320

  • Bernard-Opitz, V. & Lyen, K. (1997) Autism. In: K. Lyne, L. Eng Hin & J. Tham (Eds.) Rainbow Dreams: How to help your child with developmental delay

  • Bernard-Opitz, V. (1988) Applied autism research in rehabilitation centers. In: Ch. Arens, & St. Dzikowski (Eds.) Autism Today: Current developments in the therapy of autistic children,
    Verlag Modernes Lernen, Dortmund

  • Bernard-Opitz, V. New methods in the behavior modification of autistic children. (German) In: Speck, O., Peterander,
    F & Innerhofer, P. (1987) (Eds.), Kindertherapie Interdisziplinäre Beiträge aus Forschung und Praxis.
    München: Reinhardt Verlag, 147-154

Journal Articles

  • Bernard-Opitz, V. (2013) "Curriculum for Children with Autism" (Editorial), Autism News of Orange County & the Rest of the World, Summer, 7 (1), 3-4

  • Bernard-Opitz, V. (2012) Early assessment and intervention (Editorial) | PDF 118 KB, Autism News of Orange County & the Rest of the World, Spring, 6 (2), 3-4

  • Bernard-Opitz, V. STeP Program (2011): Structured and experience-based Program for children with Autism, Autism Spectrum Quarterly, March

  • Bernard-Opitz, V. (2011) Latest technologies for children with ASD (Editorial) | PDF 265 KB, Autism News of Orange County & the Rest of the World, 6 (1), 3-4

  • Bernard-Opitz, V. STeP Program (2011): Structured and experience-based Program for children with Autism, in print in Pediatrics (Germ: Pädiatrie Hautnah), in print in Autism Spectrum Quarlerly

  • Bernard-Opitz, V. (2011) ABA and ABT (Autism-specific Behavior Therapy), in Autism Germany (Germ: Autismus Deutschland)

  • Bernard-Opitz, V. (2010) Visions for a range of living options for a range of individuals with ASD, Autism News of Orange County & the Rest of the World, 3-4

  • Bernard-Opitz, V. (2007) Autism and schools in Singapore and Germany, Proceedings of the Conference: Autism and Schools: Perspectives in Education in Germany, 58-65

  • Bernard-Opitz, V. (2007) The use of technology in the education and treatment of children with autism (Editorial), Autism News of Orange County & the Rest of the World, Fall, 3-5 (in: Autism Journal of the German Autism Society (Autismus, Zeitschrift des Bundesverbandes, Hilfe für das autistische Kind))

  • Bernard-Opitz, V. (2007) Family issues in autism (Editorial), Autism News of Orange County & the Rest of the World, Fall, 3-5

  • Bernard-Opitz, V. (2006). Beyond buzzwords: Evidence-based practice (Editorial). Autism News of Orange County &
    the Rest of the World, Summer, 3-6

  • Bernard-Opitz, V. (2006). Sixty years autism In: Conference Proceedings: Changing perspectives in autism: Transitions are challenges (German), 11th Annual Congress of the German Autism Society

  • Bernard-Opitz, V. (2005) Precision Teaching: Making learning effortless. Autism News of Orange County & the Rest of the World, Summer/Fall, Vol 2 (2), 9-11 (PDF, 83 KB)

  • Bernard-Opitz, V., Siow Ing & Tan, Y.K. (2004) Comparison of behavioural and natural play interventions for young children with autism.
    Autism: The International Journal of Research and Practice, 8(3): 319-334

  • Tan, Y.K. & Bernard-Opitz, V. (2003) Teaching joint attention in young children with autism: An exploratory study, in manuscript

  • Kok, A., Bernard-Opitz, V. & Tan, Y.K. A (2002) Comparison of the effects of structured and facilitated play on preschool children with autism, Autism: The International Journal of Research and Practice, 6, 1, 181-196

  • Bernard-Opitz, V. (2002) Fifteen years autism work in Singapore. Autism, (Autismus, Zeitschrift des Bundesverbandes: 'Hilfe für das autistische Kind'), 53, 48-53

  • Bernard-Opitz V, Sriram N, Nakhoda-Sapuan S.(2001) Enhancing social problem solving in children with autism and normal children through computer-assisted instruction, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 31, 4, 377-384.

  • Bernard-Opitz, V, Kwok, K.W. & Sapuan-Nakhoda, S. (2001) Epidemiology of autism in Singapore, International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 24, 1-6.

  • Bernard-Opitz, V., Chen, A., & Kok, A. (2000) Analysis of pragmatic aspects of communication in autistic children.
    Practice of Child Psychology and Child Psychiatry, (Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie), 49, 2, 97-108

  • Chin, H. Y. & Bernard-Opitz, V., (2000) Teaching conversational skills to children with autism: Effect of the development of a Theory of Mind, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 30, 6, 569-583.

  • Bernard-Opitz, V., Sriram, N. & Sapuan, S (1999) Enhancing vocal imitations in children with autism using the IBM SpeechViewer, Autism: The International Journal of Research and Practice,
    Vol.3 (2), 131-149
    (PDF, 605 KB)

  • Bernard-Opitz, V., Kok, A. (1994) Functional behavior analysis of self-injurious behavior. Special Education, (Sonderpädagogik) 24, 1, 14-22.

  • Chen, A., & Bernard-Opitz, V. (1993) A comparison of personal and computer assisted instruction in autistic children.
    Mental Retardation, 31, 6, 368-376.

  • Bernard-Opitz, V. (1991) New research trends in self-injurious behaviors, Special Education, (Sonderpädagogik) 21, 174-175.

  • Bernard-Opitz, V., Roos, K., Blesch, G., (1989) Computer-assisted instruction in autistic children, Journal for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie), 17, 125-130.

  • Bernard-Opitz, V. (1988) Behavior analysis and intervention in self-injurious behavior, Journal for Child and Adolescence Psychiatry (Zeitschrift für Kinder und Jugendpsychiatrie), 16, 20-26.

  • Bernard-Opitz, V. (1985) New approaches in the behavior modification of autistic children, Journal of Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation (Zeitschrift für Beschäftigungstherapie und Rehabilitation), 99-102.

  • Bernard-Opitz, V. (1982) Pragmatic analysis of the communicative performance in an autistic child, Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, USA, 99-109.


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7 Fuertes Str · Irvine, CA 92617 · Tel. 001-949-509-9224